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A double vinyl version of my album Sounds of Tokyo-To Future, with custom album art by Ethan Redd, new disc label art and light blue/hot red vinyl colors
Sounds Of Tokyo-To Future is my Jet Set Radio-inspired follow-up to my 2018 release, "Memories Of Tokyo-To". I wanted to explore an even wider range of genres and sounds than I did on the first album and claim my own lane of style rather than sticking to what has been done.
"Future Unwritten" is an adaptation of a quote from Joe Strummer of The Clash. It burrowed into my head as soon as I read it. During the creation of the album, this was a phrase I would repeat to myself to try and keep hope going. The world was hard to be in during this period, and the creation of this album on its own was the most difficult thing I've ever done. The future is still looking bleak, but it does not have to be--it's up to us to keep working to make the future we want. 2021 and it's still Tag Walls, Punch Fascists. If you're here, you know what's up.
Thank you for supporting independent music.
Originally released August 24, 2021
Dedicated to Keith Flint of The Prodigy
2 Mello: Vocals (1-2, 4-5, 6-8, 10, 13, 15)
TV-MA: Vocals (10)
Anton Corazza: saxophone (1)
All tracks written, produced, mixed and mastered by 2 Mello
Album art by Ethan Redd
Special thanks to Ethan Redd, Seth Redd, TV-MA, Anton Corazza, Lou-Ellen, Summer, Woolie and Pat, KAINONAUT, Gino and Em, Isaiah Colbert and everyone who has ever purchased anything from this Bandcamp. I could not have done this without you.